This is all my home office stuff, sorted, labeled and put away.

This is the refrigerator after being cleaned, sorted and partially labeled. I have to figure out what to use on the plastic door barriers so I can label them and the moisture won't make it peel off. We used 2 blue bins from Big Lots $3.50 each. At Target we got the Acrylic can dispenser (Fridge Binz ridiculously priced at $12.95), the pull out gray bin (another ridiculous $5) and the white bin ($3). The refrigerator design is a nightmare and very poorly laid out. I wasn't thinking straight when I bought it. I was sucked in by the freezer on the bottom. That seemed so special at the time and took me back Aunt Bob's house with her freezer on the bottom fridge. I really wanted a Smeg model fridge, but sadly they are mostly in Europe and too expensive over here.

The pantry was where it all got started because every time I opened the door stuff fell out and no one knew where to put stuff back after they took it out except me. So I printed little labels and covered them with mailing table to laminate them on the cheap and used a gluestick to attach them to the shelves.
The bottom shelf still needs some work. I'd originally planned to put the recycling bins there, but that was a bad idea. They get too full, too quick and overflow and look messy. So I need to add one more shelf there.
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