Sunday, August 25, 2013

Teeny, Tiny Spaces--More from Houzz

I like this one because it is so open and modern.

I don't really care for the floor.

Beautiful Backyards from HOUZZ

Contemporary Landscape by Encinitas Landscape Architects & Designers debora carl landscape design

Saturday, August 3, 2013

No Matchy, Matchy Here.

I see some folks organize their stuff and everything matches perfectly--same color and brand of containers; labels color coordinated; identical fonts and sizes on the print.  I aspire, but I fall short.  I'm just OCD enough to want to get organized, but to ADD to pull off a coordinating coup.  The following are the dog stuff, little garden stuff and tools and stuff in containers from Big Lots, Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, Good Will and stuff I had for ages.
This is the big blue trashcan for storing dog biscuits for the 4 dogs.  They like to stand beside it and bark demandingly and stare at me when I walk by.  Then we have the little tin for training treats and one for cat treats for the neighbors' kittens.

These are bins on the tool cart.

 Here's the tool cart all nice and tidy.  I had six hammers.  Go figure.  I also have umpteen screwdrivers.
 This is inside the little garden things cabinets.  The big stuff is in the garage.

 This is inside the dogs' cabinet.

I hope I have enough energy to finish up the rest of the house.  Who can say how long it will stay tidy?  But for now I feel terribly competent and mature.

Organizing Frenzy and Labeling, Too!

This is all my home office stuff, sorted, labeled and put away.

This is the refrigerator after being cleaned, sorted and partially labeled.  I have to figure out what to use on the plastic door barriers so I can label them and the moisture won't make it peel off.  We used 2 blue bins from Big Lots $3.50 each.  At Target we got the Acrylic can dispenser (Fridge Binz ridiculously priced at $12.95), the pull out gray bin (another ridiculous $5) and the white bin ($3).  The refrigerator design is a nightmare and very poorly laid out.  I wasn't thinking straight when I bought it.  I was sucked in by the freezer on the bottom.  That seemed so special at the time and took me back Aunt Bob's house with her freezer on the bottom fridge.  I really wanted a Smeg model fridge, but sadly they are mostly in Europe and too expensive over here.

The pantry was where it all got started because every time I opened the door stuff fell out and no one knew where to put stuff back after they took it out except me.  So I printed little labels and covered them with mailing table to laminate them on the cheap and used a gluestick to attach them to the shelves.
The bottom shelf still needs some work.  I'd originally planned to put the recycling bins there, but that was a bad idea.  They get too full, too quick and overflow and look messy.  So I need to add one more shelf there.